
The Peril of a Beautiful Garden - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

The country-side of Provence in summer is beautiful. The fields of pasture grass, sun flowers, lavenders and wheat compete for attention by putting on the most glaring show of colors and textures. It’s so beautiful that we forget that they are there for practical reasons - farming.



I have a garden and I try my best to keep it beautiful and bountiful. However, it has not been free from struggles. Lately, I’ve been dealing with a rodent problem.



As if the garden is up for claims, they’d be stepping right in, climbing up and down, picking the fruits, plucking the flowers and even chewing off plants to their hearts’ content.



I have been furious at the least, frustrated a lot of times and scared of them outnumbering us recently.



I have a small garden that is far from being up to par with what I saw in Provence in terms of both size and beauty. If I struggle this much with the rodent problem, I wonder how the farmers in Provence keep up with the pests.

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What's Your Vision to YOUR Life - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are some one else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." - Oscar Wilde

We are born into this world like a blank piece of canvas.  In the attempt to put marks on such canvas, we tend to follow the paths that have been created by the stomps of those before us, the paths which have been proven to lead to somewhere/something.  And, they are easier to walk on.  



The issue is, what has worked for others are, at best, what worked for others.  We came from such a diversified pool of genes, there's no guarantee that by doing the same things, we will achieve the same results.  And who says harvesting apples would be a great success to someone that loves oranges instead?  



Life is such a huge subject that I feel one never has all the answers in the bag.  But in Provence, when many flock to the same spots, trying to capture the version of the lavender field that may seem familiar (do a search online and you will know what I mean), I chose to let my own eyes choose what to speak about my experience.  It may not have been done before.  And it may not receive recognition.  But it's the version that my eyes, and heart, love. 

What's your vision to YOUR life?      

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