Tea ceremony

A Tea Ceremony in Japan - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

The recent events led me to think of a beautiful tea ceremony that we participated in Japan.  Like everywhere we've traveled to, we've had nothing but nice scenery, friendly people and cool cultures - well, for the most part. :-)

Now that we are in fall season, I remembered the warm setting sun in the tea room and had to process one image to share.

This was made in Takamatsu while visiting the Ritsurin Park.  We couldn't be happier when we stumbled upon the ancient Kikugetsu-Tei, and were even happier after spending hours perusing the nice architecture, landscape and interacting with the nice people there.  Can you believe they even had someone translate the whole ceremony for us?  That's the beauty of traveling by ourselves and being inquisitive all the time. :-)

Isn't this lady beautiful being bathed in the warm rays?  And look at her elegant gestures.  Tell me you like it as much as I do! :-)



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