
There's Whooper Swan, and then there's Red Crowned Crane Elegance - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

I first met whooper swans in Iceland.  It may have been the Arctic light, I thought they are one fine kind of birds.  Look at the pure white plumage contrasted with its dark feet and bright yellow bill.  When they glide effortlessly overhead in the sky, you tend to forgive them for the whooping sound.  After all, how would you know they are approaching had it not for the noise? 

It doesn't seem that my affection towards whooper swans is without basis.  They are much admired in Europe and is even named the national bird of Finland.



And then, upon came red crowned cranes.  They define elegance on a whole different level.  I don't know if it's their slender profile or it's simply because they fly above the clouds.  I fell in love, over again.

What do you think?  



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