
Beauty and the Beast in Greenland - Los Angeles Fine Art Photographer

Greenland, the world’s largest island, is featured by an ice sheet so massive that it covers more than four-fifth of the country’s total land area. Actually, Ice-land may have been a more fitting name for this island. :-)

On a land of the desolate scenery and Arctic deserts, I swear I started seeing people.



Granted, I have been known to suffer from crossed eyes and saw landscape in a human body (see my bodyscape work and a human landscape here as well). Being in a land of natural extremities would only exacerbate the condition, wouldn’t it?

Anyway, this time, I was seeing human bodies in landscape. In fact, make it two - it’s a beauty and her almighty beast in the shade.



Do you see what I see?

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How Many Icebergs are Enough? - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

“What are you going to do with all these photographs of icebergs?” It didn’t take long before our zodiac driver noticed my obsession with icebergs and photographing them.

Everything we know about icebergs is fascinating. That they are made of glacial ice of maybe more than 15,000 years old… That they are snow that were compressed, taking air and sediment along with them, making them history “frozen” in time. That they roll and turn and reveal many facets, telling us where they’ve been or what they’ve encountered. That “the tip of an iceberg” is truly only about 1/8 of the berg that we see…

To me, an iceberg is a unique individual that carries with her a wealth of stories waiting for the discerning eyes to learn, before it disappears into the vast ocean. So, how do I describe each iceberg’s unique qualities when all someone sees is quantity?



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Seasons Greetings - Jean Huang Photography

Another year is fast behind us.  Physically, my Assistante and I have continued our journey of visiting new places, meeting new people and making friends with new horses, sheep, cows and birds, etc.  As if the Antarctic was not extreme enough for us last year, in 2016, we have gone to the other side of the earth.  In between the bi-polars, we have also crossed the equator and gone to the Amazons.  In a way, it seems that we have gone through the whole planet.  

Someone once asked us, "Where would you conquer next?"  My response was, "We wouldn't dare conquering any part of this world.  We wished to experience as much as we could and leave the places and their cultures as least disturbed as possible."  To us, it's the experiences that slowly change and/or transform us and the way that we look at this world that I wouldn't trade with anything.  

Spiritually, we continue to face and be challenged in the subject of life-and-death.  As we continue struggling with the question of what life is about, we strive to maximize the quality of experiences that we share with the ones that we are lucky to call family and friends.

We thank you for being along in our journey and for caring and laughing with us.  With the new year fast approaching, we wish you the joy of family, the gift of friends, and the best of everything in 2017!       

If you have not, please feel free to sign up with our VIP list.  In the coming year, we plan to share exclusive materials to the ones only on the list.



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