
Am I a Pilgrim? - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

In our last trip to Spain, we somehow strung together a series of cities along the Camino Francés (or French Way, in English) of Camino de Santiago (or Way of St. James, in English), Burgos being one of them. One thing leading to another, I found myself on a mental journey searching for the meaning of pilgrimage.

In my mind, it’s obvious when there’s a church involved, especially done with the safety of many others around you.



Or, going it alone, even if it means taking a break from the group for the sake of clear air and clear mind, would cut it.



If we stretch a little and take a liberal interpretation, standing afar and staring into the grandiose monument could provide much-needed enlightenment as well.



Unfortunately, this belief system came to a halt when I read that a pilgrim is "always in danger of becoming a tourist" by the Christian priest Frank Fahey. He writes in Pilgrims or Tourists? “Pilgrimage … is more about the journey than the destination. This may seem a contradiction to a modern pilgrim who flies off to a distant shrine or holy city, eager to arrive there to see as much as possible”.

All of a sudden, the concept of pilgrimage seem more relevant to me. For someone that doesn’t tally up the number of countries visited and is silly enough to visit certain countries multiple times (what a waste) while skipping certain others, could she be a pilgrim in this life on earth?

As a practitioner of substance over form (thanks to the professional training in my
“previous life”), I seem to agree that "a pilgrimage is a journey ... where a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about their self, others, nature, or a higher good, through the experience." (per Wikipedia)

What do you think? Am I a pilgrim? Are you?

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A Question of Life - Alone or Lonely? - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

In the last 16 months or so, many of us have been separated from people that we love and, well, people in general. As the restrictions ease, we are facing more choices. And yet, the question of life remains as it has always been - am I being lonely or simply alone?

Many spend all our lives seeking crowd and its recognition.



And then there’s others that pursue spiritual fulfillment, even at the cost of being alone (and seem less popular).



"Naked I came into the world, naked I shall go out of it!" While this E.M. Forster’s quote may make us feel that there’s not much room for creativity, I think we have a whole lot of possibilities to choose from in this life that’s not too long nor short. In the end, who do you think will be the judge of each of our own happiness?



I’d love it for you to share your thoughts or where you are in your journey.

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Where Are You From? - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

At a village that’s surrounded by mountains that touch the clouds, we were told to hike up to its El Castillo part (also called Bulnes de Arriba).



The castillo was what we expected to see. But instead, we bumped into him, bucket in hand.

”Where are you from?” Him in Spanish.
”America.” Me with my limited Español. (Side note: To avoid confusion, we’ve long decided to not say we are from Los Angeles in Spanish speaking countries. Go
here and you’ll know why.)

As we turned around the corner after him, we discovered beautiful vista and the happiest chicken in my opinion.

Nonetheless, I sensed a troubled cloud on his forehead somehow.



“Peru?” Finally, he asked, minutes later.
After a few back-and-forth, I realized what he meant - the Peru in the America.
”Oh, no, Estados Unidos.” Me again, putting my best foot forward in Spanish.

Relieved, off he went, leaving us with the chicken, roaming at our will. Until, we realized we had more to learn than things like where we are from - “borrowing” from your neighbors, at free will.

Do you want to know how we figured out it was not her house?



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