Los Angeles Pet Photographer

Lost & Found - A Little Puppy Found its Way into my Flower Petals - Los Angeles Pet Photographer

The other day, I was playing with the fallen peony petals, i.e. photographing them in all lighting conditions.  This puppy came along and anchored its little behind right in the middle of my "playground".  So, as with anything in life, I made the most out of the situation - I played with both the puppy and the petals.  And the end result is something like the image below.If you've lost your puppy, come claim it and we can discuss how this art can look in your house.

Wall Display of a Boxer Puppy Sitting in a Pile of Flower Petals - ©Jean Huang Photography
Wall Display of a Boxer Puppy Sitting in a Pile of Flower Petals - ©Jean Huang Photography
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You think I'm cute? - Los Angeles Pet Photographer

It's Monday.  It's raining.  I need something to lift my spirit.  So here's my question for you: ©Jean (Jiaying) Huang What do you think?

What better way to treat our four-legged friends than a free photography session - Los Angeles Pet Photographer

OK, the cat's finally out of the bag. Correction, the dogs are out of the bag! :-) I'm running a special for our four-legged friends this Valentine's Day.

The winner of a random drawing will qualify for a free dog photography session.  To qualify, post your dog's picture along with the name and breed (and some fun facts about him/her) at our photography fan page.  The drawing will be held at noon on February 14th.

Listen, we will need at least 25 entries to do the drawing.  So invite your friends to participate with you!  Let's have a party!

P.S.  Obviously, this offer makes sense if you live in southern California.  However, if you'd like to pay for my travel (which is another passion of my life), feel free to join the fun for a chance to win, no matter where you are (I do have many friends all over the world)!

