The Land is Speaking - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

Vegetation that grows/survives the Arctic environment makes for a unique crowd.  The rocky ground is characterized by permafrost, which is frozen year-round.  Only a thin layer of soil thaws and refreezes each year.  The resulting shallow root systems, along with low temperatures and short growing seasons, are not discouraging enough for these low and slow-growing plants (although, some are not technically plants, e.g., lichens).  

When I met these tough little beauties that had withstood the harsh elements and found themselves home in the (shallow) shelter from strong wind, I felt that they are speaking to me about their stories, the slow and long ones.




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Beauty in the Eyes of Beholder - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

Ben Youssef Medersa in Marrakesh, Morocco, was once one of the largest theological colleges in North Africa.  At the entrance when we were ready to admire the touted Islamic architecture, I turned around.  My eyes lit up as if they've seen gold.  But wait, there's a guy taking photograph of his girl friend, occupying all the vantage points for my gold.  So I decided to wait a little.  So I waited.  And I waited...  And... still waiting...

When I realized that they were having a full-on portrait session, I caught a break in their flow of poses and got what I wanted.  Yes, the beauty in my eyes, at that moment, was the old man. :-)

What's the beauty that you are beholding at this moment?



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Chasing Bubbles with All Your Life - Los Angeles Travel Photographer

I've written about how, in the Amazons, children, and adults, take (having fun in) life seriously.  Kids in "modern-day societies"?  Not so sure.  Letting themselves glued to iPads is not living life, IMHO.  Well, one visit to the Plaza Espana in Sevilla, Spain on one fine afternoon had me impressed.  I mean, look at these chicos and chicas, they weren't just chasing bubbles with their fast-moving legs.  They were giving their whole lives.  



This image is from the "Bubble Fun" series that was submitted to the "People : Other_P" category of the 2017 International Photography Award contest.  I'm honored to have been "honorably mentioned".  It's the first time that I participated and I think I may continue chasing my bubbles. :-)

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